Home Real Estate & Business Exclusive IMAX Release of Netflix’s “The Chronicles of Narnia”

Exclusive IMAX Release of Netflix’s “The Chronicles of Narnia”

by LA News Daily Team
Netflix Movie “the Chronicles Of Narnia” Will Be Shown Exclusively

Netflix’s Ambitious Release of “Chronicles of Narnia” in Imax Theaters

Netflix is set to make an impactful return to theatrical releases with its upcoming movie adaptation of the “Chronicles of Narnia,” which will premiere exclusively in IMAX theaters for a period of two weeks worldwide. This decision, announced recently, marks a notable move for the streaming giant, reflecting its desire to balance its focus on streaming with the fulfillment of cinematic expectations in Hollywood.

The Details of the Release

The film, directed by the acclaimed Greta Gerwig, is scheduled to hit theaters on Thanksgiving Day, 2026. This theatrical release is expected to take place on an impressive range of IMAX screens, varying between 1,000 to 1,800 venues globally. Following its theatrical debut, the film will be made available for streaming on Netflix starting on Christmas Day. This strategic timing is likely aimed at capturing holiday audiences during a peak entertainment season.

Netflix’s Theatrical Strategy

This release signifies a delicate balancing act for Netflix, as it strives to grow its subscriber base while accommodating the desire for theatrical presentations among filmmakers and actors. Historically, the company has released films in theaters but typically followed up with swift availability on its streaming platform. This dual approach intends to satisfy both the traditional cinematic audience and its plethora of streaming subscribers.

Hollywood’s Shift Toward Theatrical Releases

The desire for theatrical releases has been a recurring theme among Hollywood talent, with many filmmakers advocating for their works to be showcased on the big screen. From directors to actors, the cinematic experience has remained invaluable for the industry. As such, it is notable that Greta Gerwig’s representative did not provide a comment on this specific announcement, which highlights the varying interests in film distribution within Hollywood.

IMAX’s Involvement with Netflix

This agreement marks a significant development as it represents the first time Netflix’s narrative feature films will receive theatrical slots in IMAX, expanding the streaming service’s reach into the premium cinema experience that IMAX offers. Previously, Netflix’s documentary “Skywalkers: A Love Story” was featured in IMAX theaters, but this new deal now extends to larger narrative features, indicating a shift in Netflix’s approach to theatrical distribution.

A Look Back at Narnia’s Legacy

The film draws inspiration from C.S. Lewis’s beloved “Chronicles of Narnia” series, a timeless story steeped in themes of fantasy and spirituality. With over 115 million copies sold worldwide, the Narnia books have enjoyed immense success and fostered a passionate fan base. The adaptation promises to bring this epic saga to life on the big screen, enriching the visual experience through stunning cinematography and captivating storytelling that aligns well with the expansive fantasy world.

Box Office Potential and Audience Reception

Experts believe that the decision to release “Chronicles of Narnia” in IMAX is a fitting choice, considering the epic scope of the source material. The filmmaking will capitalize on visually stunning scenes that are best appreciated in a theater setting. The historical data also supports this venture; previous adaptations of the Narnia series, released from 2005 to 2010, collectively grossed $537.7 million in the U.S. and Canada, indicating a solid potential for success in both ticket sales and audience engagement.


In summary, Netflix’s venture into theatrical releases with “Chronicles of Narnia” signifies a noteworthy expansion of its business model while catering to both industry expectations and audience demands. This strategic move aligns well with the ongoing conversations within Hollywood about the importance of the big-screen experience. As Netflix continues to explore hybrid distribution methods, the release of “Chronicles of Narnia” will undoubtedly capture significant attention and may set a precedent for future projects.


When will “Chronicles of Narnia” be released in theaters?

The film is set to be released in IMAX theaters on Thanksgiving Day, 2026.

When will the film be available to stream on Netflix?

The film is expected to premiere on Netflix approximately one month after its theatrical release, on Christmas Day, 2026.

Who is directing the “Chronicles of Narnia” adaptation?

The adaptation is directed by Greta Gerwig, known for her acclaimed work in film.

How many IMAX screens will the film be shown on?

The movie is projected to be shown on between 1,000 to 1,800 IMAX screens worldwide.

What is the significance of releasing the film in IMAX?

IMAX release enhances the viewing experience, allowing audiences to appreciate the film’s visual scale and grandeur in a premium cinema environment.

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